Sunday, April 1, 2012

Networked Classroom

    I love the idea of having a networked classroom, and if I was in the regular classroom, I would be working towards this.  Since I am not in the regular classroom, I see my role as a librarian to help these teachers utilize these resources  and help them to create their own networked classroom.  Just in the last two weeks in fact, I shared some ideas with one of my second grade teachers. I made the suggestion of starting a classroom blog.  So her and I both did some research and found which allows students to safely post to a blog.  It requires you to have a username/password to access it which she has given to parents.  Even though she only has three computers in her classroom, they use this as a literacy center and they post to their blogs.  Parents and other students are able to comment on posted blogs.  For second grade, I am very impressed with what these students are doing and learning. I talked with her after she started the blog and asked how it was going.  She said the best thing about it is my kids want to write!  Which for some of the students was a huge struggle.  She said the worst thing about it is she has kids asking her all day if they can go onto the blog because they have something they want to share.  I think that's a great problem to have! 
    Chapter 3 in the Personal Learning Networks classroom was very insightful.  There are so many advantages to having a networked classroom.  I liked when the author used the term transparent.  No longer are students just confined to their classrooms, they are able to connect with students and teachers from all over the world.  Collaboration is another huge benefit to a networked classroom.  This gives students and opportunity to work with others and collaborate on new project  and ideas.  You can work with students from another part of the country, and be able to gain different perspectives.  One thing I have noticed when teaching is that a student's world can be very small - especially in a rural community where there is not much money.  Many students haven't ever traveled, and to some of them it's hard to understand there is life beyond their community.  Having a networked classroom would be greatly beneficial to them. 
The biggest disadvantage I see to having a networked classroom, is the technology gap between some teachers and students.  The thing I fear the most is for those 28 kids in Mrs. __________ 5th grade class that are not able to do these things because she doesn't know enough about technology.  While the kids in the other two 5th grade classes are doing amazing things with technology. 


  1. That is awesome that you helped a second grade teacher set up a blog. What a great opportunitiy for not only the students but the teacher and parents as well.

    I do hope to utilize technology and create a networked library. I think it's possible and I know it provides opportunities for those students in Mrs.___________class who will have limited access for one reason or another. This is my library blog that I use to share student work done in the library.
    We're working on fairy tale storybirds right now and also with voicethread and storyjumper.

  2. What a great resource you are going to be for your fellow teachers and students! I agree that it is so much easier to get students to "write" if they can do it in the form of blogging. My 3rd graders are the same way, it is like pulling teeth to give them a reading response questions and get them to write an answer. Last week I posted it to the Edmodo site and they were arguing to get to the computeres first, and were logging in at home to view and repost to new responses. The engagement leveel of students with technology is fascinating to me!

  3. Kidblog is a great site to use! I think your role as a Librarian is very important! You are in a position where you can definitely help other teachers and guide them to understand what a networked classroom is. Sharing the blog idea with the second grade teacher was a great step.

    Here is a creative way that a couple of librarians share things with the teachers in their building at one of the high schools in Francis Howell:

  4. Katie-

    The guidance and support you provided is exactly how I hope to collaborate with my colleagues *when* (fingers crossed) I am the LTS for my school. Great job!
