Thursday, April 19, 2012


So, I was excited to read about and explore Evernote this past week.  I thought this tool was so helpful, and it can be used in so many different ways and on so many different devices.  Check out evernote here:
As a Library Media Specialist, I focus a lot on research and helping my students develop good research skills and habits.  For some of them it is so difficult to find the information they want, summarize it, and put it into another format.  Many times my students have come into the lab to do research, and they either leave with nothing, or way too much information.  
Evernote is a really awesome way to help students organize their research information all in one place.  It is web-based so they access it anywhere including PC, Mac, iPhone, etc.  Once students have signed up for an account and the software has been downloaded, they can begin to save text, videos, pictures, PDF files etc. into one place. They are then able to take the things they have saved, and add bookmarks, tags, notes etc. They can access their information either on or offline, edit it, and remove information they don't need.  The other feature I liked the most was that students are able to keep track of the reference information so they can cite their sources correctly!  I don't know how many times students can't remember where they found their information, and then they have trouble citing their sources. 
Evernote seems easy enough for my elementary students to use, but I can see it being extremely helpful in Middle and High School. 
I found the videos on this link to be extremely helpful when trying to find more information about this wonderful tool.  I'm so excited to begin using this with my 5th and 6th graders next year!


  1. I was so close to doing my review on evernote. I really liked that tool as well. It is such a great tool to keep track of everything. This is something I would like to use for myself when doing research. I think the biggest plus to using this is to make citing things a lot easier. I couldn't even tell you how many times I have found something online that I liked and then got to my citation page and could't remember where I found the source. This is a great tool to alleviate any of that sort of thing.

  2. Thank you for highlighting Evernote. It is one of those resources I have heard about, but have never found the time to really explore. Anything that allows you to put items in one location for further use, is beneficial. Like Eric, I have often run into the problem of not remembering where I found something. I also like how it can be used on different formats.

  3. I like Evernote too! It is so handy to use on multiple devices that I use (laptop, iphone, ipad, etc.)

  4. Maybe adding Evernote to this class would be a helpful to students as a way of saving information for later use. It's like Eric said and Heather expressed in her blog, there is so much information that we are exposed to, it's really hard to keep track of it. And when you see something that you really want to go back to, there needs to be a place where you can store that so you can even remember what it was. I downloaded it to my computer and hope to take a closer look at it as a way to stay organized.

  5. Katie-
    I am glad to read your review of Evernote. I downloaded the app for my iPad a while ago, but never really discovered the best way to use it. Your ideas about how to use it with students are great.
